The Guild of Pastoral Psychology

Diana Grace-Jones
From a degree in Zoology, Diana went into social work and then travelled through the East during the 1970s, eventually living for a time in Australia. On returning to the UK she discovered analytical psychology and the Guild of Pastoral Psychology through training in drama at the Sesame Institute.
From 1979 to 2019 Diana served the Guild as Conference Secretary, Programme Co-ordinator, and Chair (1992 – 94). She was appointed an Honorary Fellow in 1997 on the recommendation of Vera von der Heydt, one of the Guild’s founders who had analysed with Jung.
Diana taught ‘Jung and Analytical Psychology’ and ‘Meaning in Myth and Fairytales’ modules at Birkbeck University, London. She also lectured on Jung to Guild groups in Australia and taught on the Grass Roots Programme for the C.G. Jung Analytical Psychology Club in London.
Diana was particularly interested in Hindu Scriptures and their connection with C G Jung’s development of ideas about the Self. Two of her talks at the Guild have been made into Guild pamphlets: 276 – ‘The Necessity of Heathcliffe – Vengeance and Betrayal in Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights’ and 301 – ‘Vengeance not Justice’. Earlier talks at the Guild have been: Jung, Father and Christianity; ‘Dressed to Kill – the Story of Judith’ and ‘Introductory and Concluding talk’s at the Oxford Conference ‘Ithaka: The Yearning for Home’.
Diana died after a short illness in November 2019, remaining active in the Guild until her final days.