The Guild of Pastoral Psychology

2024 Summer Conference – Re-enchanting the World: Necessity, Theory and Experience – IN PERSON
Notice: Bookings for in-person attendance are now closed.
Our civilisation is demonstrably heading for disaster, driven by our “disenchantment of the world” (Max Weber), “monotheism of consciousness” (C.G. Jung) and “left hemisphere dominance” (Iain McGilchrist). Re-enchanting the world offers a psychological approach to healing our broken relationship with nature within and nature without. Such a metanoia is vital if we are to negotiate the physical consequences of our delusional thinking, from the existential threats of the Anthropocene to nuclear Armageddon.
Andrew Fellows will demonstrate some striking synergies between Analytical Psychology, Gaia Theory and Deep Ecology and more, and their potential to transform our attitude so that we can embrace a materially simplified future existence joyfully rather than merely endure it.
Yuriko Sato will draw on more personal experiences of what Rachel Carson called “the sense of wonder”, including in clinical practice and from an Eastern perspective.
Together, they bring head, heart and soul to the defining challenge of our time.
Please read our Participant Agreement for Guild Events for cancellation and participation policies.

Speaker: Andrew Fellows
Andrew Fellows is a Jungian analyst (with private practices in Bern and Zurich), a training analyst at the International School of Analytical Psychology (ISAP) Zurich, deep ecologist, and writer. He holds a doctorate in applied physics and enjoyed two decades of international professional engagement with renewable energy, sustainable development and environmental policy. His special interests include the anima mundi, the mid-life transition, the new sciences, and the use of depth psychology to understand and address global collective and environmental problems. His first book is Gaia, Psyche and Deep Ecology: Navigating Climate Change in the Anthropocene (Routledge 2019). Andrew and Yuriko live over three thousand feet above sea level in rural Switzerland without a car.