The Guild of Pastoral Psychology

Architecture of the Self: Towers of Nietzsche and Jung
Notice: Booking will open during early February 2021

The influence of Nietzsche on Jung’s ideas and Jung’s personal development is well documented. Unknown to many, however, is their common interest in architecture and the built environment, and the role this plays in their respective ideas about the development of self.
In later life, both thinkers came to identify themselves with specific buildings, experiencing a heightened sense of self in relation to the architectural design. Their respective buildings are loosely described as ‘towers’. For Jung, it was the construction of his ‘tower’ at Bollingen on Lake Zürich, which revealed to him his “whole self in stone”. For Nietzsche, it was the Mole Antonelliana in Turin, which expressed the vital “height instinct” described by his Zarathustra, prophet of the Übermensch).
These talks consider revisiting the influence of Nietzsche on Jung through the lens of their architectural interests.
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