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Harvest: The Psyche’s Time of Fulfillment

Notice: Booking for the webinar will open early in 2025. You do not need to book to attend in person.

Date: Thursday 10th April 2025 Location: Essex Church, 112 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W8 4RT - and online
Start time: 7:00pm End time: 9:00pm Type: Lecture and Webinar Refreshments: tbc

Scattered throughout the Bible are references to many features of the farming world, in particular the seed-time and the harvest, and the unpredictable seasons of growth and ripening in between. The images and stories that Jesus describes in the Gospels are those of someone familiar with this work of the fields, whether it is the right soil for sowing, or how necessary it is for the seed to die in the earth in order for new life to begin. And ultimately, he tells of the significant Kairos time of harvest, when all is gathered in and judged as a treasure for the future. Here we see laid clearly out a parable of the Individuation process, the fulfillment of the soul’s destiny.

You do not need to book to attend this event in person.  Tickets (Guild Members £0.00, Non-Members £15.00) will be available on the door).