The Guild of Pastoral Psychology
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Jung’s insights on ‘The Symbolic Life’ through Maximus the Confessor’s concept of ‘divine logoi – as virtues’: a Christian Orthodox approach
Dr Grigorios Chrysostom Tympas has degrees in medicine (registered with the General Medical Council, UK) and theological studies, both from the Aristotle University of Thessalonika, as well as a PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies from the University of Essex. He has published books and papers focusing on the relationship between early…
Where did Jung’s Red Book come from, and why does it matter?
The publication of Jung’s Red Book, Liber Novus in 2009 challenged the Jungian professional world to revise the various ways in which they have received and developed Jung’s thought and psychotherapeutic approach. In this talk, Liber Novus is put into the context of Jung’s life and work 1900 - 1920,…
The Third Image: in film and psychotherapy
Some of the most powerful moments in psychotherapy are not consciously understood, instead they are felt. So too in the cinema our emotional responses are often strong and puzzling. This talk explores how the personal meanings we find in therapy and in films are psychologically illuminating and personally beneficial. Luke…
Shamanic Journeys and Individuation
This talk will explore accounts given by initiates from different shamanic traditions. In conjunction with these accounts, dreams and symptoms of individuals arising during the process of Jungian analysis will be discussed, along with their potential for living a symbolic life. Sarah Halford, PhD, IAAP is a Jungian analyst living and practising in…
No Shore Too Far?
Meditations on the theme of death, bereavement and hope Jonathan writes; “The title of my book comes from my sense that in our efforts to extend boundaries of every sort - including that most mysterious boundary of all between what we call life and death - there is, in fact,…
Barbara Hannah’s Search for Wholeness
Please download this form to book this event This event is given in conjunction with the Jung Club, to whom booking forms must be returned. Barbara Hannah said once: "Both Jung and I minded most of all about wholeness, about becoming whole... finding the opposite to the thing that is…
Unknowing in Practice
Psychotherapists often find that they don't know what is happening in a session. Are there resources in ancient and medieval philosophy and theology that can help the therapist to be aware of the many ways of unknowing? This talk will also look at some contemporary philosophical and theological ideas.Psychoanalysis can be…
2018 Oxford Conference, The Still Point and the Turning World
The world around us seems to be spinning, sometimes uncontrollably so. How can we get to a place of healing and peace? For ourselves as individuals and collectively for humanity? Can we transform our experience and collective wisdom into new creative energies, or will we remain stuck in old destructive…
Christian Cosmology: a Spirituality of Integration?
Fr. Dominic Wright discusses whether or not Christian cosmology is a spirituality of integration. His talk includes substantial discussion of dance and Gnosticism, which he asserts need not contradict more orthodox Christian theology.
Out of the shadow
Child sexual abuse now seems to be widespread and it evokes primal responses in us all. Can a Jungian and depth psychology perspective shed any light on this behaviour and what has best practice revealed about working with those who perpetrate such acts? This day conference will allow us to explore…