The Guild of Pastoral Psychology
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Gilgamesh: Being Human
The Epic of Gilamesh is the oldest recorded story in the world, originally carved in cuneiform script on twelve stone tablets. The talk explores Gilgamesh's journey, from its beginning in, and return to Uruk, and how he evolved psychologically from all he discovered and was obliged to accept, including his own…
Pushing the Boundaries: Towards a dynamic understanding of the Christian faith
More than 70 years ago the scientist and Jesuit priest Teilhard de Chardin wondered why Christianity was ceasing to appeal to an increasing number of people. Christianity, he wrote, still to some degree provides a shelter for the modern soul, but no longer clothes it, nor leads it. And so…
Christa, the Feminine Aspect of Christ
Caroline Mackenzie aims to demonstrate how working with the archetype of Christ has helped her in her individuation process. In her own words; “I will share the process of moving from feeling like a victim to owning my power as belonging to me as a woman. Beginning as an object,…
The Ceremony of Innocence: cruelty, suffering and visionary experience in the music of Benjamin Britten
This talk will explore the juxtaposition of cruelty, suffering, and deep spirituality found in so many of Benjamin Britten's operas and vocal compositions, and will relate it to Donald Kalsched's perception that deep trauma sometimes opens the door to another dimension of reality.
A Day with James Hollis
The foundation of the day will be two lectures from James Hollis, "Hauntings: Dispelling the ghosts who run our lives" and "What is a Mature Spirituality". In the first he will discuss how so much of daily life is driven by invisible psychic forces, archaic agendas, and imperious admonitions and…
Cecil Collins and his legacy – a personal response
Maria Lancaster will focus on visionary artist Cecil Collins’ ideas alongside examples of her own work
Suffering Soul in a fragmented world
Robert Mercurio will invoke the archetype of the Anthropos to express the connectedness so badly needed in our fragmented societies. He will discuss how our sense of fragility is relegated to the Shadow by heroic consciousness and how this can result in aggressiveness and conflict. Giulia Valerio will discuss how…
Fundamentals of a Multi-dimensional Dreamwork Theory On Dreams and Lucid Dreaming
Nigel Hamilton, PhD (United Kingdom), is director of C.C.P.E., a transpersonal psychotherapy training centre and clinic in London, where he lectures and practices as a psychotherapist. He is a co-founder of the Dream Research Institute; and the UK representative for Sufi Order International. He was originally trained as a physicist,…
Sheffield Spring Conference
"He struck the rock and the waters did flow" the alchemical background of the gravestones of Marie-Louise von Franz and Barbara Hannah A day long seminar in which Dr.Schweizer-Vuellers will explore the complex inner meaning of the symbols of the fourfold circle or mandala which featured in…
Pathological Gambling: An illness of our times?
Dr Henrietta Bowden-Jones draws on her experience as a Consultant Psychiatrist in Addictions to describe the issues surrounding pathological gambling. She is the founder Director of the National Problem Gambling Clinic in London, the only NHS multidisciplinary treatment centre in the UK for problem gamblers.