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Thank you for Attending Today’s Talk

Creative Minds in Dialogue: C.G. Jung and Erich Neumann with Nancy Swift Furlotti

We do hope you enjoyed it.


We would love to hear your views on the talks and on our presentations. Please send your feedback to: or send us anonymous feedback using the form below.


There will be a video of this talk.  We will email you once the video is ready; however, you may wish to check the Resource Page for this talk, which is where it will be posted, as there is sometimes a delay in alerting everyone that the video is ready.  The resource page is password protected and the password is “Charlottenburg” (without the quotation marks).

The Guild

Welcome to The Guild of Pastoral Psychology‘s website.  If you are not a Guild member, please have a look round.  Members have access to our library of almost 1,000 talks: papers, audio, and video recordings dating back to 1938, and can attend our webinars and live events at reduced cost or for free.

Today’s talk has been recorded.  We’ll send you an email with a link once it’s ready.

Our next talk, on 10th April 2025, is:

Please see our Events page for the full list.  Please note that bookings for all webinars close two hours before the advertised start time.

We look forward to seeing you at a webinar again.

Publications by Nancy Swift Furlotti

You may be interested in the books written by our speaker.  The images link to an online seller in the UK.

By Erich Neuman:

The Origins and History of Consciousness (Princeton Classics): 191: Neumann, Erich, Hull, R. F.c., Jung, C. G.: 8601417198629: Books

Links to the above will also be found on the Resource Page.

Music During the Slides: J. S. Bach – Goldberg Variations played by Kimiko Ishizaka

We are delighted to have been able to play music, which we hope you have enjoyed, during the intro and break slides.  We have not done so in the past because obtaining copyright holders’ permission is so involved and there has been little of worth in the public domain.  This excellent project (which I have just discovered) to ‘set Bach free’ by creating a first-rate performance of The Goldberg Variations for the public domain is to be warmly applauded and deserves support.  It is licenced using the Creative Commons Zero tool.

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